*Currently only accepting donations within CA.
SkateMD is funded 100% through individual and business donations. We rely on your support to provide our successful and sought-after skateboarding clinics. The program is operated and staffed by unpaid volunteers only and all donations go directly to the program to pay for the cost of the clinics including insurance, fees, equipment, and supplies. You can easily use the PayPal link above to make monetary donations. All donations are tax-deductible and documentation can be made available for your records. Thank you for your kindness!
We will also graciously accept in-kind donations of the following:
-Snacks, Lunch & Drinks for Event Day
-Skate Product and Giveaways
-Event T-Shirts and Other Printing
-Snacks, Lunch & Drinks for Event Day
-Skate Product and Giveaways
-Event T-Shirts and Other Printing
Other ways to support.
SkateMD is listed as a charitable organization to support through Amazon Smile. If you make Amazon purchases, be sure to shop through Amazon Smile and select SkateMD. There is no difference in your shopping - same products and prices - and there's nothing additional out of pocket for you. The difference is that the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase total to SkateMD. That is so easy and SO KIND!